Dell DEA-1TT5 Exam Dumps

Last Updated: January 21st, 2025

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Exam Name Dell EMC Certified Associate – Information Storage and Management (DCA-ISM)

Exam Code DEA-1TT5

Duration 90 mins

Number of Questions 60

Passing Score 60%


Use this quick guide to gather all the information for your Dell EMC Information Storage and Management (DEA-1TT5) certification exam. This study guide provides a list of objectives and resources to help you prepare for the DEA-1TT5 Dell EMC Information Storage and Management exam items. Sample questions help identify question types and difficulty levels, while practice tests help you become familiar with the exam format and environment. Please read this guide carefully before taking the actual Dell EMC DCA-ISM certification exam.


The Dell EMC Information Storage and Management certification is primarily intended for candidates who wish to pursue a career in information storage and management. The Dell EMC Certified Associate – Information Storage and Management (DCA-ISM) exam verifies that the candidate possesses the fundamental knowledge and proven skills in the area of Dell EMC DCA-ISM.


Dell EMC Information Storage and Management Exam Summary:


Exam Name Dell EMC Certified Associate – Information Storage and Management (DCA-ISM)

Exam Code DEA-1TT5

Duration 90 mins

Number of Questions 60

Passing Score 60%

Books / Training Information Storage and Management v5 (ESOCMD03294)

Information Storage and Management v5 (ESOCMS03293)

Schedule Exam Pearson VUE

Sample Questions Dell EMC Information Storage and Management Sample Questions

Practice Exam Dell EMC DEA-1TT5 Certification Practice Exam

Dell EMC DEA-1TT5 Exam Syllabus Topics:

Modern Data Center Infrastructure(18%)

– Describe a compute system, storage, connectivity in a data center, and application center

– Describe software-defined data center, modern data center architecture, and options to build a modern data center

– Explain the components of an intelligent storage system, and RAID

– Describe the data classification, elements of a data center, key characteristics of a data center, and key technologies driving digital transformation

– Explain the cloud characteristics, cloud service models, and cloud deployment models

– Explain the key characteristics of big data, big data analytics, AI/ML, Internet of Things (IoT) architecture, Edge computing, and 5G technologies

Storage Systems(23%)

– Explain the components of an intelligent storage system, and RAID

– Describe storage provisioning and tiering

– Explain the features and components of block, file, object, and unified storage system

Storage Networking Technologies(19%)

– Explain the FC SAN components, FC ports, topologies, link aggregation, and SAN virtualization

– Explain the components and connectivity of iSCSI, FCIP, and FCoE

– Explain the NVMe over Fabrics, Software-defined storage and networking

Backup, Archive, and Replication(24%)

– Describe the information availability measurements and key fault tolerance techniques

– Explain backup granularity, architecture, backup targets, operations, and backup methods

– Describe data deduplication and data archiving solutions architecture

– Describe replication uses, and replication and migration techniques

Security and Management(16%)

– Describe the information security goals, terminologies, various security domains, and threats to a storage infrastructure

– Explain key security controls to protect the storage infrastructure

– Describe the storage infrastructure management functions and processes


To ensure success in Dell EMC DCA-ISM certification exam, we recommend authorized training course, practice test and hands-on experience to prepare for Dell EMC Information Storage and Management (DEA-1TT5) exam.



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