Oracle 1z0-082 Exam Dumps

Last Updated: October 24th, 2024

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Oracle 1z0-082 Exam Dumps
Exam Name : Oracle Database Administration I
Exam Code : 1Z0-082
Exam Duration :150 mins
Exam Format : Multiple Choice Questions
Exam Type : Database Administrator
Number of Questions : 90 Questions
Delivery Method Testing center or online proctored exam
Exam Language: English, Chinese
Pass Score : 60%


Overview: 1Z0-082 Exam

Exam 1Z0-082: Oracle Database Administration I validates an individual’s talents and expertise of Database Administration subjects consisting of information the database architecture, coping with database instances, coping with users, roles and privileges, and coping with garage that lay the inspiration for a Database Administrator entry-stage process role.

The Database Administrators pursuing examination 1z0-082 ought to have a operating expertise of SQL.

The examination Oracle 1z0-082 is one of the checks required to earn the Oracle Database Administration 2019 Certified Professional certification that’s then observed through Oracle 1z0-083 to finish the certification path.

allrecentdumps ‘s 1Z0-082 examination exercise exams and examination simulations with terrific questions of actual examination requirements will assist applicants to clean this certification examination on the primary attempt. Candidates can even have get admission to to actual-time overall performance evaluation reviews throughout the globe for you to assist to enhance their training journey.

Skills Covered
The allrecentdumps ‘s 1Z0-082 examination training bundle will assist to put together for the subsequent talents-

Understanding Oracle Database Architecture
Managing Database Instances
Managing Users, Roles, and Privileges
Managing Views and Reporting Aggregated Data
You can test the precise 1Z0-082: Oracle Database Administration I examination shape here.

Exam Information
Exam Name : Oracle Database Administration I
Exam Code : 1Z0-082
Exam Duration : 150 mins
Exam Format : Multiple Choice Questions
Exam Type : Database Administrator
Number of Questions : 90 Questions
Exam Language : English, Chinese
Pass Score: 60%
There isn’t anyt any prerequisite with the intention to pursue the Oracle 1Z0-082 examination.


The applicants making ready for the Oracle 1Z0-082 examination.
The applicants desiring to pursue their careers as Database Administrators, DB Architects, DB Designers, and Analysts.


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